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Student Association

The IMES Fachschaft is the elected student body representing all enrolled IMES students at the University of Cologne.

We are here to support student interests, promote community, and improve the study experience — and every IMES student is welcome to participate!

What We Do

Organize regular Fachschaft meetings to discuss ideas and priorities

  • Work together in committees:
    • Improvement
    • Parnership
    • Alumni
    • Events
  • Represent student voices to the university
  • Organize social and academic events

Our leadership includes a President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, elected annually.

Get in Touch

Have questions or want to get involved?
Email us at: imes-fachschaft[at]

Prospective students: You’re welcome to reach out — we’re happy to connect you with current IMES students for first-hand tips and experiences!