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Semester Fee

There are no tuition fees for the IMES program. However, all students pay a semester fee (currently approx. 300 €), which includes:

  • A public transport pass for Cologne and the wider NRW area
  • Access to university services (canteens, sports, student support)
  • Student union contribution

The exact fee is updated each semester: Semester Fee – University of Cologne (currently in German only)

Scholarships and Financial Support

IMES does not offer its own scholarships, but students are encouraged to apply for external funding.

DAAD Scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a wide range of scholarships for international students.

  • Start your search with the official DAAD database: DAAD Scholarship Database
  • Application is usually submitted in your home country via your local DAAD office or German embassy
  • Processing can take several months — plan ahead!

University of Cologne Fellowship for Skilled Students

Particularly skilled students enrolled at the University of Cologne can apply for a performance-based fellowship offered through the university’s foundation “Studium und Lehre.” Note: Information is currently available in German only: Stipendienprogramm der Stiftung Studium und Lehre (German only)

Other Scholarship Options

In addition to DAAD and university programs, many foundations and organizations in Germany offer scholarships based on academic performance, social commitment, or background.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) maintains a searchable scholarship portal with hundreds of funding opportunities from various providers: Scholarship Database – BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

You can filter by:

  • Field of study
  • Degree level
  • Target group (e.g. international students)
  • Personal criteria

Most scholarships require an early application, sometimes before arriving in Germany.